Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Passion

In the finally book that deals with the pure big crystal being destroyed after Gabriel left with Mr. Z's daughter.  The smaller shard is given to Kaithlyn and the group find themselves living with Maresol's brother. The Kaithlyn decides she will save the day pretends that she wants to help Mr. Z and is in love with Gabriel. Somehow she convinces a lot of people (I was not).  Then she joins them for parties and a theft of like $20 millions.  Then she is caught placed in a deprevation tank, where Gabriel uses there link to feed her all his good memories. The Rob and the other show up and Gabriel stabs the dark crystal with the pure shard destroying it along with Mr. Zetes.

I not sure I liked how the book kind put everyone but Kaithlyn in the back for a while.  Although we got to learn a little about the psyches that kept attacking and the first pilot. but I wanted a lot information about the process that drove some crazy and the two guys into those drooling creatures.  I did not believe Kaithlyn sudden love.  I know L.J Smith is kind known for it, even with Gabriel doing what he did to save her it should have solidified they bond of friend/family not love.  Because Kaithlyn called Rob her other self and that she was complete and she spent almost 2 1/2 books being or atleast saying she loves and chosing Rob. Also why did Rob and Anna have to be sudden pushed towards each other? and with such force too. The End also seemed to have come quite fast.  I wanted to know more about the other kids private lives and the limits of the powers people had with/without a crystal.  I also wanted to read something about Gabriel and Lewis becoming mates and going off on adventures together.  They seemed to me, like they could make a great pair.  Lewis learning to be more confident and less shy and Gabriel having a loyal bud who knew how to make him better.

The Passion was good. But you probably need to read all three to get it all.  Kaithlyn was less annoying in voice but the constant self reflection of looking "witchy" was much.

Here are the UK covers, which I think I better than the above and more creepy.  You can even see some renditions of Kaithlyn's drawings in black and white.

Monday, January 7, 2013

DARK VISIONS: The Possessed

The Possessed

Please ignore the cover and the useless tag line.
The second book continues with the kids getting help and driving north to look for the mysterious white house they have seen in their connected and shared dream.  In the last book, Gabriel had connected all five of them in a mind-link.  Gabriel was turned into a psychic vampire.  So he burns up to much of his own life energy that he needs to consume it from others, but he almost kills them except for Kaithlyn it seems.  After much travel they meet Zetes daughter, then Anna's parents before they find the white house.  Where they learn of the People of the Crystal, who destroyed themselves. But some got away and inner married where they settled.  Thus making the kids descendants of the People of the Crystal.  Zetes too is assume to be a descendant who inherited or found his deformed crystal. So, the shard of the white house's people pure crystal is needed to destroy the deformed one. But other than that they basically cannot seperate the mind-link or cure Gabriel.  Towards the end Gabriel leaves with Zetes daughter.  After being seen my most as nothing as a monster and killer and there being no way they were looking to help him.  Gabriel goes back to Zetes, who then attacks the white house.  The pure crystal is shattered and the leader is killed.  So Kaithlyn is given the crystal to help fight Mr. Zetes.
       In this book I felt that although the book is in Kaithlyn's point of view which gives her all the judgement and despite them all being linked she was the only that seem to gain any understanding of the other characters or see into them, especially Gabriel.
      One thing that L.J Smith's books seem to have is this instant love and looking into another person which happened with Rob and Kaithlyn in the first book.  In the Night World series Smith called it the soul mate principal but similar things happen in almost all her books. Which is interesting when she tries to explore who it would work.
Also although I understood how the Strange Power reflected the events of the book.  The possessed not so much except in Gabriel case.
To be continued........The Passion


 Dark Visions is a set of 3 books by L.J Smith. Consisting of The Strange Power, The Possessed, and The Passion.  I read this when I was in High School.  I don't remember liking them as much as L.J Smith's Forbidden Game and Night World books but they were good.   I have also read the Secret Circle but did not enjoy it as much as the other three I have mentioned.  I have never read the Vampire Dairies because they just did not appeal to me at all despite liking all of L.J Smith's other books.  I also did not get into the books adapted T.V. series.

         Dark Visions: The Strange Power  

The Strange Power is about five youths, who get scholarships to attend an institute to test their physic power by a man named Zetes.  The story is mostly told through Kaithlyn Fairchild and at times Gabriel Wolf.   in Strange Power we see the kids meeting becoming quick friends except Gabriel who wants to be left alone.  Then a research assistant falls into a coma after trying to warn Kaithlyn.
          For the most part I like the book and how it set up what would followed.  Having read and listened to the books, although I sympathized and understood where Kaithlyn was coming from and her situation. I found her voice quite annoying. The voice was most annoying on the audiobook despite loving the narrator who gave distinct voice to each character.  However, when Khistine Hvam did Kaithlyn's voice I could barely stand her at times.  All though there was a good set up I did not learn much about the other characters and where they came from and how their powers were really.
          Gabriel and Lewis were my favorite characters. Despite the facts that Lewis was kind of created to be a through away person.  Anna and Rob were view by Kaithlyn and thus us to be just too person, good and the light.   Kaithlyn is like that too but is tried to be made more exotic by everyone because of the way she looks.
        The book cover is not great since Kaithlyn is a red head with ringed eyes but the cover has a blond.
At the end of the book, the kids are on their own and on the run.
To be continued........ The Possessed.

                              HAPPY NEW YEAR         


I started this blog but I have been very lazy with it. So hopefully for 2013 I want to be able to write atleast one blog article per month.  So that will be my goal.
All the best wishes for this year.