Sunday, January 27, 2013


The Passion

In the finally book that deals with the pure big crystal being destroyed after Gabriel left with Mr. Z's daughter.  The smaller shard is given to Kaithlyn and the group find themselves living with Maresol's brother. The Kaithlyn decides she will save the day pretends that she wants to help Mr. Z and is in love with Gabriel. Somehow she convinces a lot of people (I was not).  Then she joins them for parties and a theft of like $20 millions.  Then she is caught placed in a deprevation tank, where Gabriel uses there link to feed her all his good memories. The Rob and the other show up and Gabriel stabs the dark crystal with the pure shard destroying it along with Mr. Zetes.

I not sure I liked how the book kind put everyone but Kaithlyn in the back for a while.  Although we got to learn a little about the psyches that kept attacking and the first pilot. but I wanted a lot information about the process that drove some crazy and the two guys into those drooling creatures.  I did not believe Kaithlyn sudden love.  I know L.J Smith is kind known for it, even with Gabriel doing what he did to save her it should have solidified they bond of friend/family not love.  Because Kaithlyn called Rob her other self and that she was complete and she spent almost 2 1/2 books being or atleast saying she loves and chosing Rob. Also why did Rob and Anna have to be sudden pushed towards each other? and with such force too. The End also seemed to have come quite fast.  I wanted to know more about the other kids private lives and the limits of the powers people had with/without a crystal.  I also wanted to read something about Gabriel and Lewis becoming mates and going off on adventures together.  They seemed to me, like they could make a great pair.  Lewis learning to be more confident and less shy and Gabriel having a loyal bud who knew how to make him better.

The Passion was good. But you probably need to read all three to get it all.  Kaithlyn was less annoying in voice but the constant self reflection of looking "witchy" was much.

Here are the UK covers, which I think I better than the above and more creepy.  You can even see some renditions of Kaithlyn's drawings in black and white.

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