Thursday, April 7, 2016

Nine: Nine Time Travels (2013)

Nine: Nine Time Travels

Nine: Nine Time Travels is a Korean television series from 2013. An anchorman, Park Sun Woo, one day stumbles upon 9 magical incenses, each with the ability to send him to the past. With the help of the incense Park Sun Woo travels to the past trying to remain a family tragedy that has haunted him all his life. 

Lee Jin Wook as Park Sun Woo
I really liked Nine: Nine Times Travels.   It had a very interesting concept that was intelligent and kept the story moving forward full of suspense.  They build a concept around the story and never strayed from what the focus of the story was.  Not no point did the writers, and producers find themselves in a hard position in the story and decided to just get the characters out in a way that was not plausible or fit in with the world they had constructed and that was great.

Jo Yoon Hee as Joo Min Young
What I also like were the characters. I could feel and understand the pain and dilemma they were going through.  I was constantly rooting for Park Sun Woo at every turn.
Joo Min Young was fun and I could see why Park Sun Woo loved her and how she fit as part of the story.

Though I really liked the show and followed it all the way to the end. The last couple of minutes were confusing to me.  The current timeline's Park Sun Woo remembers the one that came from the future and saved him when Min Young-ssi reminds him.  He then takes a plane to Nepal, where Min Young-ssi is on assignment and is older brother had also gone.  This brings us make to the events of the beginning of the series when his brother died in the mountain and goes to recover his body and finds the first of the magical incense. The last scene of the series is Park Jung Woo in the mountain with the blizzard that killed holding the incense stick and when he looks up Park Sun Woo is there and offers him a hand. Except this Park Sun Woo is old, much older than his older brother.  That made me think that the Park Sun Woo who went to the past to save his younger self did not end up dying in the phone booth crash. Somehow he survived and has been living up until this point.  I don't think the current Park Sun Woo who was on the plane went back to the past to save him because he never gets the first incense because his brother doesn't die. Also how would it work if two Park Sun Woo of the same age were in the same time?

Long rant, but the show was great just a little confused with the end.
Would recommend this show and if I get the chance I will wash it again.

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