Saturday, December 28, 2013

Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (2003)

Demi-Gods and Semi-Gods

 Based on a story by Jin Yong. The story center around Qiao Feng, who becomes leader of the Beggar Sect, Duan Yu Prince of Dali and a Shaolin monk Xu Zhu.  Qiao Feng's story centers around discovering his true identity, Duan Yu on the many women in meets and Xu Zhu got in the struggle for the leadership of a powerful.  Their stories bring them together and takes places through many kingdom.

Qiao Feng
The show starts with the story of Qiao Feng, whose father and mother are taking him to meet a friend in the Song kingdom.  They are attacked because they are Qidan from the Kingdom of Liao and not Han suspecting that they were there to spy.  The mother is killed and the father jump off the cliff with them but in the last minute sends an infant baby Qiao Feng back up.

Qiao Feng was my favorite character he had a sense of justice, was loyal, smart, honest but had quite a temper and hated being accused of something. Everyone started to mistrust and hate him when they find out that he was not Han Chinese and he was framed for the death of his adoptive parents and his Shifu among others.  

One thing that is prevalent in a lot of Chinese literature is identity and family.  I admire that to a certain extent.  People and society seem to look down on someone and even mistrust them when they are not attached to a name, clan or area.  And I see how knowing something like that in say ancient China would have made sense.  However Qiao Feng had been with this people for a long time.  What kind of actor would have have needed to be to deceive everyone 24hrs a day.  Also the since of family.  We find that Qiao Feng's father killed his adoptive parents and Shifu framing him for their deaths. However, when they find each other, Qiao Feng is suppose to just listen to him, defend him and be happy about what he did.  If the father had wanted him to be raise by the Chinese, why did he send him back up from the cliff? And in thirty years why has he never come for him.  Plus these people didn't kill your wife but took care of your son.  

After thirty years all the man gets is to become a monk to make up for all the harm he caused? Most of that harm was done to his own son. 

Duan Yu
The second character's story we start to follow is Duan Yu.  He is a prince of Dali, his uncle is Emperor but for some reason as no kids so Duan Yu is his heir.   We meet him when he has run away from home and is trying to stop the deaths being caused because of a fight between sects.  When we meet Duan Yu, he seems the scholarly type, who dislike's violence to the point he will not learn any martial arts and is generally happy.  It's sad that his sense of non-violence was relegated to that one scene because later when he runs into Mu Wanqing he says nothing when she kills two women but helps her still their cloths.  Mu wanqing, like many of the other women he later encounters and shows interest in except for Wang Yu Yan and Ah Zu at first are his half-sister from all his father's thrice.   Some have mentioned that they didn't like Duan Yu fall so much for Yu Yan but I did.  Because he went to illustrate that Duan Yu would not be his father or cause all the trouble that his father did.  At first he is attracted to Mu Wanqing but after finding out they were related he no longer wanted to but still seemed to care about but she didn't want any relationship where they were not lover.  So, I can see why to some it might seem like he might be like his father.   Unlike his father Duan Yu only wanted Mu Yu Yan.

Xu Zhu
I think I grew to like Xu Zhu lease.  He is suppose to be kind hearted, a little slow and devoted to death to Shaolin vows. But like Duan Yu where is non-violence protest only appeared during that one time.  I could not put up with him some of the times especially when it involved the Child-Grandma you can decided to learn kun-fu to save the live of a deer but you can't say a word to stop misunderstanding and stop fighting?  He ends up being thrown out of Shaolin, becoming the leader of a sect of female fighter and the lover of a woman he meet in a dream.

Duan Zheng Chun
Duan Zheng Chun is we first learn Duan Yu's father.  Many of the women that Duan Yu meets end out being his sister because of all that affairs that Zheng Chun had.  His character was quite despicable at times.  I really don't understand what all these women saw in him.  All of the women were beautiful, smart and talented in their own way but over decades after everything he had done, lying and deceiving in the end they all still loved him.  I was seriously hoping for at least one to have moved on particularizing Duan Yu's mother.  There is a scene where Zheng Chun is standing with three of the women and he turns to one and says that he loves only her and the others were just for fun.  They are fighting and he gets knocked over and all the women run to his side cooing over him.  He was most despicable in the end scene where Wang Yu Yan's mother also a past lover as captured him and the other women.  Murong Fu kills the other three women and he decides to goat Murong Fu into stabbing her too but then dares to say he was just scolding her and that he loves all his women and stabs himself. Really?  

We find out that Duan Yu is not Duan Zheng Chun's son because she was angry at his betrayals and had an affair of her own. So, Duan Yu is not related to any of Duan Zheng Chun's daughters. 

Ah Zhu
Ah Zhu is one of Duan Zheng Chun's daughters and Qiao Feng's lover. She a great master of disguise, and kind.  She dies when she disguises herself as her father and goes to fight Qiao Feng.  She asks Qiao Feng to take care of her sister since they both grew up not knowing their parents.  I was really was saddened by her death and anger by what we got instead.

Ah Zi
Ah Zi is what we get instead of having Ah Zu around.  Ah Zi a sadist.  She could find pleasure when hurting and torturing.  She was even more happy when she could kill someone.  She was always playing the victim claiming that she was being bullied so Qiao Feng would hurt people for her.  This brings me to another theme that is prevalent in these types of stories that of "please take of ___ (usually a woman)" that someone says on their deathbed.  Now I understand on in ancient Chinese society this would have made sense but the extent to which this goes to excuse even the most wick acts just enrages one.  You see that in Ah Zi every time she would do something wrong, you would see that Qiao Feng knows it's wrong, all Ah Zi as to say is that you promised to take care of me and because of his quilt he does nothing.  Also somehow he is suppose to love and marry her because he promised to take care her even though we all see he has no such feelings for her.  Even if, Ah Zi loves  Qiao Feng she knows the kind of person he is yet she doesn't care.  She wants him and him her way.  Even when she loses her vision which was her own fault she no second though about someone else being murdered so she can see again.  I was really upset by the ending when Qiao Feng sacrificed himself so a war would not start. Suddenly, Ah Zi gets to jump off the cliff with his body, so he would be her.  He didn't love her.  He should have had his brother bury him next to Ah Zu.  But Ah Zu died and Ah Zi got to around hurting people and in the end she gets to have Qiao Feng without his permission.

Murong Fu

In the end, Murong Fu who wanted to reestablish his kingdom went mad.

Wang Yu Yan
She was in love with Murong Fu and started to have feelings for Duan Yu.  Towards the end she final realizes that Murong Fu has no feelings for her and she decides to let herself love Duan Yu.

One thing I had a grip on in this show that I had very much with in The Four is the punishment some people got.  Especially, Qiao Feng's and Murong Fu's fathers and in a lesser case Xu Zhu's father who's a monk during the show.    Murong Fu's father is the one that sent the news that caused the attack on Qiao Feng's family,  the monk is the one that lead the attack and Qiao Feng's father murder his adoptive parents among others.  From what I understood, the man was the leader of Beggars Sect and not to long after the attack become a monk.  Qiao Feng is 30 years old but Xu Zhu is around 24 so that means he had his affair when he was already a monk. Just between these three men there have been countless death, pain and heartache, but what is the punish that they get?  Two of them get cured of their ailment and become monks and the third was a monk for over two decades.  I am sure the life of a monk is no piece of cake but is that really the punishment they get for what they did.  

This series was good and interesting in some parts, others were boring and just took too long.

The Four (2008)

The Four 

The story of four young constables, who work together to solve cases and to bring down a corrupt official during the Song Dynasty. Coming from different backgrounds Heartless, Cold Blood, Iron Fist and Chaser form a bond like brothers and work to uphold justice.  

Mou Ching(Heartless)
Heartless got his name from a monk after he was crippled as a child, hoping that when he grew up he would not seek revenge for the destruction of his family. Heartless starts off not showing any emotion and not really caring only about anyone else but the housemaid, his two attendants and the uncle that raised him.  His is quite intelligent and very observant at times.  

I quite liked Heartless when we meet him, beside being a little anti social and not seeming to care about others.  He was a good person, understood that you often in to take your own personal emotions out in order for justice to be served.  However, by the end of the show I thought he was more a hypocrite. 

Iron Fist
Iron Fist, so called because he can destroy a blade with his bare hands and his fists are so powerful, was raised by an Ironsmith.  He is the second surviving son of the man that destroyed Heartless's family.  Heartless's father died seeking revenge on them.  

Iron Fist was okay for me. Iron Fist went through aloud in the series and displayed a lot of rage, much of which I thought should have been reserved for Cold Blood.  Also it seemed it was created so that Heartless and Iron Fist would have the stronger bond and although they did go through events that should have created it.  It never seemed like they ever really came to that point.  

Cold Blood

Cold Blood lost his parents at a very young age and was raised by wolves.  He starts off being an assassin before joining the constables.  Cold Blood seemed like the one who would have the most rage but never displayed it much.  He really did not speak all that much in the entire series.  I felt like he was the closest to Heartless even though they only really had the island episodes were they were shown to bond. 

Chaser is a swindler before becoming a constable.  I think he was suppose to be the comic relief and more fun member of the group but I didn't laugh all that much.  


Yeut-fei is the daughter of the leader of the Blue Sky Sect and later Iron Fist love interest.

Song Chi-yin

Chi-yin Song comes in contact with the constables as a doctor, first as a doctor for Heartless then as a go to coroner, whenever they needed to examine a body or cure someone.  It turns out that she is a spy for the Prime Minister, Choi King.  Choi King was to over throw the current Emperor and is involved a many other crimes and conspiracies.    

I really was suspicious of Chi-yin the moment she came to learn from Heartless doctor and supposedly diagnosed him.  There was nothing in that scene about Heartless that she could have observed that gave away his condition (many re-watch).  I think she just listened outside the door, then used it as a way in. There are other scenes were people enter a room an know already what the people inside were talking about.  From then on there were too many times were I knew she was up to something.  Even when people started to suspect her, Heartless would defend her because he liked her.  

One review I read really thought she was a nice person. I really did not sympathize with her and the ending angered me a little.  From the beginning of the series to the end she just keep harming people and even Heartless that she claimed to love.   To begin with she killed Heartless's first doctor so she could be the one he would come to.  She kills the leader of the Blue Sky Sect even when Yeut-fei even considered her a friend. She knew about the mines and did nothing when Iron Fist's sister gets raped.  She uses Yeu-fei to drug Iron Fist and uses the metal gloves to frame him.  He almost get executed. She murder's Iron Fist's brother.  She destroys evidence that the constables needed.  She murder's Fook, and blinds Yeut-fei.  When Heartless finally catches but let's her go, she comes back kidnaps him and has him tortured.

I thought or believed that a theme of this show would be justice instead of revenge that is prevalent in many ancient Chinese series. Where someone seeks out to kill someone for the death of another and it goes on and more people are involved, Death all around.  I am not sure in Chinese culture but in most European and American culture there is the idea of Lady Justice.  A symbol of justice, usually a woman with a blindfold holding a scale in one hand and a double edge sword in the other.  Justice is suppose to be blind representing objectivity.  So justice would be meted without fear, favor, money, status or weakness.  It is impartial.  The scale weighted out the support and opposition and the sword meted out the punishment with reason and justice.  

When both Heartless and Iron Fist find out that their families destroyed each other.  They were both angry and upset but they did not take out their sorrow or want revenge on each other but to find whoever had instigated the whole thing.  which is quite amazing since some stories would have caused them to go against each other.  But then we find out that Iron Fist's older brother is alive and has killed corrupted officials.  Heartless tells Iron Fist that it is his job and duty to arrest him despite the fact that it's family.  The brother still killed people, though he personal feels they deserved it.   Iron Fist decides to let his brother go, but the brother dies and Iron Fist thinks Heartless did it to save Song Chi-yin. 

The reason I really didn't like Heartless towards the end has to do with how he goes against everything he claimed to stand for and even preached at Iron Fist.  When Chi-yin does all the above I mentioned and he is being help prisoner.  I thought that he finally went through his struggle and came out the other end.  However, he decides to runaway with her.  That's fine to that point but Heartless discovers the diagram for the weapon.  I would have given Chi-yin a chance even after everything she did up to that point but what does she do?  She takes the diagram and gives it to Choi King.  Why?  She had escaped , he didn't know where she was.  But she, herself chose to go back and give him the weapon.  Then, I am suppose to feel bad for her having a nightmare? What did she think Choi King would do with the diagram.  She has been aware of his plans since the beginning. After, she decides to poison all the women and Heartless's uncle.  I know, Ckoi King saved her life and raised her but how many lives does she owe him.  She has killed multiple times for him, she has one life.  Heartless saved her life too, why doesn't she call him master and do things for him?  Heartless said that she had repented and turned a new leaf. She never apologizes and she continues to hurt people after this point. Chi-yin talked about being an orphan and how sad that was. What about the people she decided to make orphans, like the doctor's family or Yeu-fei.   Chi-yi had spent a whole lot of time with these people and was smart enough to know right from wrong but she continued to harm people even Heartless. She could have at any point started helping the constables or stop murdering people. At this point she poisons all the people that Choi king had kidnap, if she herself did not want to do it, why did she? Like with Yeut-Fei, she could have just switched the powder and gave them a tranquilizer.  Who would have known? She is the one most formidable in medicine.  But she actually poisons them and only choses to save them when Iron Fist was about to kill her and she wanted Heartless to still want her.  The ending she get's angers me.  she supposedly absorbed poison from five people that would have killed them and she had only hours to live. Also were body and face would have turned hideous, a metaphor I think of how she was truly. But no, she does die and a gets two small scars on face and Heartless still loves and forgives her.  

All this really changed how I saw Heartless at the end.  Iron Fist's brother pays for all the people he killed although deserved with his life.  However, Heartless barely gets angry at Chi-yin or even thinks of bringing her to justice.  He still wants to be with her and thinks well of her.  Everyone has feeling and everyone can fall in love but does that forgive killing and poisoning people.  I am sure, even serial killer had someone they loved or cared about that does not forgive the wrong the competed.  Which is why I liked the idea of Heartless as someone who was aware that he had to put aside his personal view and punish those that had done wrong.  To have him turn into some love sick idiot and not even lame someone who hurt him, his friends, family and killed others. Just killed the series. 

Friday, December 20, 2013

My Bratty Princess

My Bratty Princess

Cast of Characters in My Bratty Princess

 Situ Jing is a young girl, who along with her companion, A-lian, dresses as a man in order to more freely move around the town. While dressed as a man she is known as Xiao Long Xiao.

That is all I really can say about the summary of the story that would not get into more detail.  The blurb created for the story which intrigued me into checking it out, I think points the story in one particular direction which I discovered was not really where the story went in my point of view.  I believed the Chinese title for this series is Diao Man Gong Zhu, which in many places has been translates as "My Bratty Princess".  A few other places translated as Mischievous Princess. Now there are many things that play into translating things from the dictionary definition, to connotations to what the author may have intended. 

Bratty is defined as having the characteristics of a brat.  A brat being defined as a child especially annoying, ill-mannered, unruly spoiled and/or impolite. The child often whines, throws tantrums and often wants thins their way. 

Mischievous is defined as causing or tending to cause annoyance, minor harm or damage. Showing a playful desire to cause trouble.

The reason I gave those definition is because one seems to fit more closely to what the series turned out to be more than the other. 

I came to the show never having heard of it or knowing anyone or anything attached to it. Except it was on the same site as Princess Returning Pearl and available to watch.  After reading the blurb, I had a very vague idea of what it might be about but the idea I did get was interesting.  But I have to confess the series was not that good.  The blurb in short said that Situ Jing was free-thinking, mischievous and dressed as a man becoming Xiao Long xia to protect her family's reputation. In truth, Situ Jing is the Princess of the last monarchy that was destroyed by the currents king's father.  With whom, she and the prince of a neighboring kingdom become sworn brothers.  

I was attracted by the idea of a seemingly smart and mischievous main female character since I like Huang Rong from Condor Heroes.  Also in the same vein Zhao Wei from Princess Returning Pearl, who had potential but turned out not to be a character I liked all that much.  To me, mischievous tends to mean someone with a playful sense of fun and pranks. They like pranks but these only ever cause minor damage, they have charm and are kind, understanding and respectful otherwise. On the other hand, a brat whines, throws tantrums, wants things their way, are unruly and often cause more than just a little harm.  

There was a lot of things that just did not seem to work for me in My Bratty Princess.  First, the music.  I really did not like any of the songs.  Also during the show there were times when the music would transition a long time before the scene had even began to move. There was a scene where nothing was happening, and I believe it was suppose to be a quiet reflective moment but then the music was suddenly strong,  completely off that it took me out of it.

I didn't really love the costumes, but it never really bothered me too much.

I think the worst part of the series for me, was some of the characters, the story and how it seemed to be all executed.

Our main character is Situ Jing or Xiao Long Xia. I came in not knowing anything but the blurb I had read and hoped to at least like the character.  One of the problems I had with the character of Xiao Long Xia (Situ Jing) was that so much time was spent telling us through character after character of just how great she was and if anyone was of a different opinion they were the bad guy.  This is one element that seems quite prevalent in characters (mostly female) have this false appearance of doing good and people love them anyway because they are so attracted to what is being said more than the actual meaning of the action (Princess Returning Pearl, Hunger Games among others).  So much time is spent having the Sifu, Situ Jian Nan (Borther), Bai Yun Fei and others tell us how kind, smart, selfless, goodhearted and bringer of joy and happiness Situ Jing is and yet very little real evidence to support it. When you do look closely at the things she does they work to actually aggravate the problems then solved them. There was more evidence to show that she was not what everyone said she was.

Xiao Long Xia
Xiao Long Xia knows kung fu but from what we see, she is not that powerful, and yet she continuously get into fights and hardly takes any of them seriously. The constant jokes and faces that she made grew tiring and annoying. They did not seem to make much sense in the situation or were they all that funny.

Xiao Long Xia/ Situ Jing seemed at times quite uncaring and selfish.  When the series starts of she has established a rigged gambling match for which she takes the money and hand it out to the refugees just outside the town.  For one, I saw problems with her doing this. One, the refugees are not being allowed into the city and interaction with them is discouraged.  So, what good is handing them coins when they can not exchange it for any of the things they need? But I'll leave all the questions.  This also made me think that Xiao Long Xia had not been doing this for long and it was not a natural progression from something else that she was already doing.  The her Sifu says that she had guided Xiao Long Xia along that path.  She help to further solidify for me that her Sifu mostly likely brought the idea for the situation and encouraged Xiao long Xia on it. And we find out that she did this so that when they reveal themselves in order to reclaim the throne, Situ Jing would have the support of a portion of the population.

Situ Jing making some face. Again.

I am usually behind the Robin Hood idea of still from those that have too much and aid those that have none. However, here Xiao Long Xia never seemed to know or care too much about who she was stealing from.  When she meets Emperor Zhu Yun and Bai Yun Fei (not yet knowing their identity) she quickly asks them to be sworn brothers.  Once it was done the first thing on her mind was to ask them for money.  When Zhu Yun states that he does not have money.  She starts to call him names and try to guilt him. How come he is so wealthy and yet doesn't want to help the poor?  All she wants for them is money and if they don't have it available then they are selfish and greedy.  He knows nothing about their situation and never asks. Plus they offer to help her in other ways.

Scene where Xiao Long Xia dragged Zhu Yun into a fight
Xiao Long Xia aggravates problems and puts others lives in danger. Also when her Sifu in disguise is trying to kill Bai Yun Fei, she drags Zhu Yun into the situation.  To them at that point her Sifu was a real threat to Bai Yun Fei and Zhu Yun, but the Sifu didn't know about Zhu Yun presence until Xiao Long Xia gave it away. It's like falling into a pit with snakes and instead of stopping your friend from falling in or letting them go get help, instead you pull them into the pit with you.

She causes her brother to get sent to jail and is almost killed just because she could not stay home for a few days but had to go out and have fun.  She also says that it's fun only when people are talking about and giving her praise. In one episode her brother asks her to stay home but she lies right to his face and does it anyway despite saying that she understood the risks. When her brother gets arrested covering for her, again she is aware that to help solve the problem she needs to lay low for a while but she does thing that attract more problem.  Her brother was in jail yet going out and having fun were more important to her. We know early on that Situ Jian Nan and Wen Qiang love each other but her father Minister Wen doesn't like the Situ family.   Situ Jing is suppose to dress as a man to move more freely and also make sure that nothing she does can bring her family trouble, especially since the father is a General.  But at one point she starts offering up her family's wealth, power and influence to Qi Guo Gong (who also wanted to marry Wen Qiang).  One, it wasn't her place to use those things as bargaining chips and second, she never informed to those that situation concerned and would effect.  Not even mentioning it.  Situ Jing is suppose to be smart and good at solving problem but episode after episode even when she found out that Zhu Yun was Emperor and even storm the castle without getting in trouble. At that point, I had hoped she would ask Zhu Yun to help her brother marry Wen Qiang. So that they could not be separated and Minister Wen would think twice before starting trouble. but episode after episode her smartest ideas were secret, switched brides or elopement which only made things worst.   The problem was finally solved, by Zhu Yun and his sister An Ning and Situ Jing was in no way involved.

Princess An Ning

I liked An Ning and found her interesting. Many times I wanted her to be the main character through whom the story was told. Being the Emperor sister An Ning grew up spoiled, naive, straight forward and brash.  Because she's a princess she's always gotten what she wanted but is a bit lonely since she was raised away from her mother and brother. Zhu Yun betrothed her to Bai Yun Fei to make sure no future war would start. And since he heard good things of Bai Yun Fei, he thought An Ning would be taken care of.  An Ning first encounter with Xiao Long Xia was seeing her beating up a man, in which she interfered.  An Ning is straight forward in that she won't hide her feelings and will say what she thinks.  she can read people but with little experience she's not always aware that even when caught some people would still try to lie, deceive, manipulate or even play victim like with Mei er.

Princess An Ning

I liked An Ning sense of justice and understanding.  Even when Bai Yun Fei rejected her, she never attacked Situ Jing because of it. She only did something on occasional when Mei er was manipulating her or she had a direct argument with Situ Jing.  Also she helps Situ Jian Nan and Wen Qiang because she saw the injustice against them and wanted to do something about it.

When An Ning helping Situ Jian Nan is a prime example of where Xiao Long Xia plays victim a lot.  Xiao Long Xia claims she owes An Ning for saving her brother, but An Ning says she did not to it for her and doesn't want anything.  But Xiao Long Xia continues to insist that she is indebted to her.  When An Ning bring her to the palace, Xiao Long Xia is the one that says she will do anything that An Ning wants but then she goes on to be indignant and self righteous that she never wants to owe someone because they will take advantage of her. I know Xiao Long Xia is spoiled but why couldn't her companion A-Lian just get her another bucket of water instead of her going to find someone, beat them up and then claim vengeance that she was the one being bullied.  She claims to understand the plight of the  refugees.

Prince Bai Yun Fei

At first I though I liked Bai Yun Fei until his brain got sucked out and eyes sewn shut and everything was Situ Jing.  Bai Yun Fei, came to the city to marry Princess An Ning and give her the bracelet but Xiao Long Xia stole it.  Bai Yun Fei had a duty to come marry Princess An Ning and secure the safety of his kingdom. A top that An Ning is a good person, beautiful and they are compatible.  Bai Yun Fe is a Prince, he was raised and grew up understanding the politics that goes into the ruling of a kingdom.  I was quite upset that all that went out the window for suppose love of Situ Jing.  He claims to admire that Xiao Long Xia wants to help refugees but he breaks his promise about marrying An Ning.  What if , Zhu Yun had taken great offense and started a war?  What would happen to all his people? It doesn't matter that thousands, if not millions would die and the rest would be left in worst situations the the ones Xiao Long Xia was trying to help?  What if, Zhu Yun had allow his mother to execute him and his kingdom started a war.  What would happen to his suppose sworn brother, Xiao Long Xia and millions of others? 

Even through Bai Yun Fei, we see how Xiao Long Xia can be a hypocrite.  At one point Xiao Long Xia says that she would never marry someone she didn't like  and when Zhu Yun says he likes her and wants her to be with him in the palace.  She gets angry, she claims she would never go against her feelings yet following that she goes and asks Bai Yun Fei to marry An Ning so that Zhu Yun would help her. She is well aware that Bai Yun Fei likes her and doesn't want to marry An Ning. When he refuses she calls him selfish, that others are only worried about their ambition. When he says something along the lines that he too doesn't compromise his feelings.  She says but it's for a good cause.  Then why didn't she go with Zhu Yun? She would never compromise but other should because it's for something that's going to help her.

Emperor Zhu Yun
I liked Zhu Yun. He's smart, kind, trying to do good and was actually funny. Except that like Bai Yun Fei to him all joy and happiness was Situ Jing.  I think, especially through him and An Ning was where I saw just how much of an annoying character among others that Situ Jing was.  One thing that quite angered me was that Situ Jing is suppose to be aware and care deeply about the plight of those less fortunate which was supposed to be illustrated by her schemes that would help the refugees.  Yet in one particular scene after her brother is arrested (I believe) she tries to storm the palace again.  Chen Lin (Zhu Yun guard) tries to tell her that he could not see her because he was being watched by those looking to harm them and that he had many problems that needed his immediate attention.  Situ Jing says "What problem could be bigger than mine?" (loose quote) and goes on to insult Zhu Yun.   Claiming that he had no integrity.  She also threaten to break their relationship. This is someone who is suppose to understand and have an awareness of the problems affecting others. So, trying to prevent war, helping refugees and dozens of other country wide issues all take second place to her problems.  She does things like the above multiple times.  On occasion, Zhu Yun really looked as if he would not put up with it and understood that there are more important things that need his help than being at Situ Jing beck and call but then things would change again.

Mei er, Zhu Yun's Cousin  and Concubine

I wished that Xiao Long Xia was allowed to be a spoiled child which is befitting of her background but throughout the story she would learn and grow. Instead we just had a broken record of how great and wonderful Xiao Long Xia was to begin with but each new episode just when to fight against what the record was saying.

Many found the show funny but for me it was just annoying and I had a hard time getting through each episode. I have never heard of Jang Nara but the cute act seems from what I read to be her staple. Jang Nara is good looking but, it didn't work for me. I didn't find her faces fun or funny, the exaggerated faces and sticking out of the tongue just got on my nerves.  I saw very little chemistry between her and the two men that I don't see either falling for her, let alone that hard.  I could never adjust to there being a serious moment and then something ridiculous being rushed at it the next second.  The tone seemed to move too jarringly and did not match in my opinion. 

Friday, December 13, 2013

Hunger Games vs. Battle Royale

Battle Royale

Battle Royale takes place in an alternate time line where Japan is part of a state known as the Republic of Greater East Asia.  Under the guise of a school trip 42 students are taken to an isolated island to take part in the Program. The Program being the BR ACT created to help maintain order.   

I first saw Battle Royale when it was translated and available on DVD.  At the time I had never heard of the Hunger Games.  I don't think it had even been published yet.  I have yet to read the Battle Royale book but having seen the movie, I liked it.  What I liked was not just the content but how it was dealt with and some of the issues it brought up.

 Hunger Games

The Hunger Games movie was better than its book in the aspects that come to play when movies are made.  One being that you are no longer in Katniss's head although the story is still covered and colored by how she saw the world not an impartial narrator. Although a bit more so than in the book.  Second, was having some things be trimmed down, but that also goes to magnify some of vague ideas about how Panem worked. Also having good actors in some roles went in bettering the movie.

Having seen Battle Royale first then reading the Hunger Games, I couldn't help but see a lot of similarities, but this did not cause me to judge one thing to the other because they came from separate worlds.  From what I have heard Suzanne Collins claims that she was inspired by reality T.V and the coverage of war.  However, I have a hard time believing this because there is very little evidence to support this in the actual story itself.  Sure she has the Hunger Games televised and there is the talk of audiences , but they are all vague and never make complete sense.  If it was more of a Survivor type game where you got voted out based on your likebility which Katniss talks a lot about playing to the camera then I could understand and see that the Hunger Games was inspired by most reality T.V. But the Hunger Games children are going to kill each other so what person would bet on someone they like over someone that has more chances of winning? Also she never really deals with the effects of trauma and other issues that invaders and those being invaded might feel if indeed those two very broad ideas inspired these stories. 

I have no problem with someone getting inspiration from another writer.  I mean the very fact that Suzanne Collins and Koushun Takami are from different countries, cultures, upbringing and gender means that even with the same idea they would produce something different. And that would have been fascinating to see.  

What I really liked about Battle Royale over the Hunger Games book and movie among others was the treatment of the characters.  In Hunger Games, Katniss is just so special.  For over 70 years that these games have been taking place no one has ever volunteered.  So none of the kids that have died over the pass 70 years had any family, friends or anyone that cared about them and was willing to take their place even when they were as young as 12 years old.   Also the created star-cross lovers between Katniss and Peeta.  Real or not. For the camera or not. Has none of these children ever clung to each when they got chosen or two people that already cared about each other ever been chosen?  In the book and movie it is as if that has never ever happened.  Also how the other kids  (Careers? why name them that) are made out to be villains and evil when the Capital and all those that watch including the districts and do nothing are responsible.  All the kids during this Hunger Games were forced to enter them, of everyone Katniss chose to be there. I understand that it was to save her sister and that is one of the few things I liked but that was a choice made. She could have done nothing like apparently everyone has been doing for over 70 years. All the kids in the Hunger Games don't want to die, they had friends and family too, not just Katniss, Peeta and Rue.  You also only ever get Katniss's story and her view on things. Plus there is only one reaction that is portrayed and not judged by Katniss in the Hunger Games that is her own.

In Battle Royale they portrayed how this thing was horrible. Not just Hunger Games where it's horrible for Katniss and small little Rue. But it's horrible for everyone, because they are all kids.  Doesn't matter if some were richer or more popular then others.  They are being forced to kill or be killed and that is going to scar and harm everyone. There was no big evil "Careers" tribe or a Cato that had to be allowed to agonize in pain for the whole night being eaten by wolves instead of having Katniss make a hard decision and put him out of his misery.  There were some antagonists which makes sense and works.  In Battle Royale, I also liked the reactions that were shown in the classroom even before we get outside.   People are scared, nervous, in denial, enrage and on.  They go through a range of emotions.  Also unlike the Hunger Games, Battle Royale shows the range of reactions that most people would have.  Some cling tight to each other, others become paranoid, some don't want to believe and try to test the collars, other decide they don't want to kill, other just give up, other kill themselves, others team on, some go on alone and there are more examples.   Not the Katniss and Peeta special love that no one has ever seen in 70 years.  Because whether the event was being televised or not, there would be people who would cling to each other, some would fight, other would cry and some would most certainly try to run. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hunger Games Book Review

Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is story told through the eyes of 16 years old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the nation of Panem in Northern America. The Hunger Games are an annual event, where one boy and one girl between the ages of 12-18 are chosen through a lottery system from the 12 districts surrounding the capital compete to the death. The event is televised.   

When I read the Hunger Games I did not like the story or Katniss as much as I thought I would or wanted to based on the praise that many people were giving it.  After reading the story I realized why many would want to see Katniss was such a strong heroine.  Because compared to a lot of the prevail ant YA heroine, Katniss is perceived to actually be taking action and making choices. 

From the beginning there were things that I did not like about the story especially when many seem to praise for having supposed admirable heroine.  The first being the treatment of women.  The way Katniss introduces us to her mother is through her looks and the fact that she is no longer pretty. Also the mother never gets a name throughout the inter story.  Even the other women that ate mentions are shown as being completely useless.  For one Katniss's mother's family owned an apothecary.  Why would she not continue working there? Also why would Katniss's father not work there when it meant making a better living then going to the mines and dying. Even Gale's mother, who seems quite capable  but she had to give me to her son to suddenly be the provider.  While Peeta's mother is shown to be abusive for no reason.  

The world building of Panem is quite shoddy. We don't really know anything really works.  Even with the Hunger Games that play such a big part of the reason the story exists.  One there was apocalyptic event that destroyed things. What was it?  The capital is oppressive.  Why? and How? These were just said and assume never shown or spelled out. Was this destruction only in North America? What about the neighboring places and the rest of the world? The capital does not make a single thing, it gets it all from the district and atop that it demands that each district sentence 2 children each year to the death.  who would accept that? What is stopping them from boycotting? Because if no one or even just part of the miners in district 12 did not go work, the capital will not have the productions they need.  How would the Capital force them to work? They are already starving and dying what else could the Capital threaten them with.  Now if they were living a life of luxury then they would have something to fear.    

This also ties into the attitude towards survival in this book.  Why is there a fence around the district when there is suppose to be no where for people to go? Why make hunting illegal when the animals are not in danger of being hunted out.  According to the book itself, everyone wants meat even the guards. So why are only Gale and Katniss hunting? So for all these years, no one else has every gone into the forest not only to hunt but to forage?  A lot of people are starving in district 12. A child who has grown up starving would ever see game and think can we nurse it health and not I won't starve into. which is the example the book gives us through Primrose.  Also why do they have a cat they need to fed when they can hardly feed themselves.  Katniss seems to be able to survive well in the forest so why is she and her family not living off the woods instead struggling in the town.  Katniss is suppose to be our badass survivalist heroine, she has grown up starving her whole life and most certainly suffered malnutrition but all her actions and way of thinking in this book goes against all of it. Why would she go to the Seam to trade meat that has fat and protein that she needs to survive for something like baked bread that has mostly air in it. Where from there a type of baked good that is made from beans and dried  meat or fruits. it dense and full of protein and nutrients.  But that is not what Katniss buys and we are never told that it is never things else other regular bread.  Why not keep the meat to feed yourself or even dry the meat for a later time. If she was exchanging it for legumes or other rich foods she can't get I can understand but she doesn't.  People who go without something for a tim usually horde it when they get it, but on the train to the Capital Katniss actually throws food out the window. Most people who have starved not even near the amount the Katniss is suppose to have would waste food that way. In the game arena there is a scene where Katniss skins a game throws out the innards and puts it on the fire.  To some people there is nothing wrong with it.  They would even praise Katniss for a badass hunter. No hunter, survivalist, or someone who has experience some hunger would do that.  The innards; liver, heart, brain all contain protein, nutrients and fats that is good for you why would someone who has experienced starvation not have come to know and throw them out.  Also I know based on a lot of images grilling over an open may seem like a great way to cook meat.  But that is an idea prevalent for people afraid of the fat. Grilling is a way to cook but all the fat will just melt and fall into the fire. Katniss doesn't need to worried about getting fat, she absolutely need the fats from the meat. Her lack of know of the many uses of plants, roots and herbs has food and medicine is just unbelievable, Suzanne Collins doesn't seem to have done any research at all. 

I was quite upset at Katniss's reaction when she arrives at the Capital.  Especially, when she was in the room with the game makers.  I was speaking to someone about how if I was Katniss I would have shoot at the people and not just the apple. They asked why not kill them instead of just harming them like I described.  The thing is Katniss the defiant heroine doesn't do any of this.  Even the reason that she get angry upset me.  It's not that the Capital is working them to death for their own gain, or that they are pretty much responsible for the death of many and that they are about to have her killed too.  No, Katniss was angry because they were eating and laughing and not paying attention to her. 

Along those lines was the idea of the book constantly trying to sell the idea of an impartial third party narrator but narration is from Katniss's point. Colored by her experiences, ideas and prejudices.  But the author and story never allow this to be seen they never question Katniss's judgements and conclusions.  Katniss herself never evaluate things that shows that she had given things real thought.  Which leads to the psychotic thoughts of outright murdering others and Peeta that Katniss constantly had and then claimed that others were having them too.  How would she know what they are thinking or feeling? We are in her head and she never inquires after anyone else. Example being the treatment of Effie, since she wears a lot of makeup and smiles she is a bitch but Cinna is such a great guy because he wears less makeup and makes Katniss look pretty.  Though they both seem to be just doing their jobs.  
Because of these issues and many others that I did not really get into the Hunger Games or Katniss as much as some people seemed to have.  Katniss's psychology and action added to the vague world Suzanne Collins created though better than most of the YA out, it just did not work completely for me.  The only thing really setting Katniss apart seems to be the idea that she can shoot a bow and seems to be doing things but the those things are made out to be accidental instead of having Katniss work and struggle through and achieve something.  

Return of Pearl Princess (1998)

Return of Pearl Princess

Er Kang, Ziwei, Emperor, Xiao Yan Zi, 5th Prince

The Return of Pearl Princess is a Chinese television series based on a book series by the name from Chiung Yao.  The story is about Yan Ziwei the daughter of Emperor, Qiang Long, through an affair with a commoner.  After her mother's death, Ziwei travels to Beijing to find her father.  While in Beijing in a tough situation, Ziwei meets, befriends and later becomes sworn sisters with an orphan, Xiao Yan Zi.  Xiao Yan Zi promises to help Ziwei meet the Emperor but being injured and found with the items that Ziwei's mother left her.  The Emperor and everyone at the palace come to believe that Xiao Yan Zi is the Emperor's daughter.  Conflicts arises as friends of both Ziwei and Xiao Yan Zi try to return them to their proper places. 

Ziwei, Xiao Yanzi, Jinsuo

Xiao Yanzi was quite funny at times and I liked her caring over Ziwei and the sisterly bond that truly developed between them. I liked the overall lightheartedness and the fun and funny scenes.  I particularly liked the scenes when they were all together interacting.  I also liked how the men, particularly Er Kang, who was always calm, collected and think things through would just loose his mind when they were in trouble.  Especially when Ziwei was in some kind of trouble.

The Return of Pearl Princess has some nice, fun and lighthearted parts, however I had some problem with other parts.  Not being a speaker of Chinese, I watched the Return of Pearl Princess that someone created subtitles for. So there are many things that come into play.  I found the show to be long-winged.  There are things that seemed like they could have been summarized.   I am not sure if this was part of the original book series or the style of the show.  Also quite a lot of scenes just seemed redundant. Like when they would all just meet to talk about their problems over and over. But nothing new, important or improved ever came out as a result.  So, it felt quite useless to have them.   For example the reveal of the main conflict of the real princess seemed liked it just dragged on too long. 

What I thought was really missing was the politics and the struggles for power when a new princess appears and is the favorite of the Emperor.  Whom everyone is vying to again power from.  I thought there would have been more conflicts and not just from the Queen.  I sometimes found that some of the characters were quite self-centered.  Throughout the entire show their is but one real conflict which is posed by the Queen.  The other conflicts were mostly perceived and easily resolved.   Xiao Yanzi and Ziwei are constantly surrounded by people who affirm that whatever they do is good. 

Er Tai seemed at time to be the only voice of reason but he was constantly ignored and not wanting to be left alone or behind, he would join in on the madness.  Which was almost always instigated by Xiao Yanzi.  I found that the acting was not successful all the time because you found out who a character was suppose to be through dialogue and words not through actual acting or action.  Xiao Yanzi never changes through her entire stay in the palace.  Even when she knows that she has to appear to give in, not just for herself but for others.  She doesn't do it she just continues to yell and fight even when it should have brought worse things on her and others.  Ziwei was no better at times. Especially when the Emperor sends them to the prison and that official comes to interrogate them.  We the know the official is corrupt but what does Ziwei do? She tells Xiao Yanzi that it's the official they had had a conflict with before and they proceed to mock him which gets them tortured. Only an idiot would instigate someone who already hates you to hurt you more because you just could't keep quiet.   

Er Kang & Ziwei
I have read that there are two more sequels to the Return Pearl Princess, but that they are not as good as this one.  They are not subbed so I am not sure when I'll get the chance to check them out.  Or should I even bother?

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei 

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei is the story of Li Ge Xiao, who is intelligent with the martial arts skills to match. At one time Li Ge Xiao was a high ranking marshal with authority.  However, he went on the run when an enemy frames him and execute his wife.  To help a old friend now a high ranking marshal to retrieve gold meant for refuge relief.  Li Ge Xiao teams up with thief Yan San Niang, master of disguise He Xiao Mei and muscle Chai Hu and formed the team called "Yi Zhi Mei."  Yi Zhi Mei robs from the rich to give to the poor and bring justice to the helpless fighting against the corrupt.

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei Cast

Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei has a good mix of action, humor, suspense and romance. I liked the partnership between the heroes and the family that they end up forming.  They had each others back and were loyal.  I also liked the setup of the different stories and how the backstory and flashbacks were woven into it.  Also how all the characters that Yi Zhi Mei meet or interacted with during the journey help them deal with the final conflict at the end.  

Li Ge Xiao (Wallace Huo)

I think that all the actors did a pretty good job.  You got a good sense of each character and some of the changes they went through and the challenges that they faced. I liked the opening theme song by Hu Ge and the song by Lilith.  I played Lilith's song to dead.   The things that I think I liked the most were the strategy and thinking that went into the planning and dealing with the conflicts.  The fight scenes were cool and I also liked the illustrations that helped introduce the characters during the beginning of the show.  

Chai Hu (Shu Xingyu)

Although I liked the show over all there were somethings I did not really like or did not really seem to work well or serve a purpose for me.
However, an aspect that I thought elevated the show was having almost each member of the main cast have their own back story arc.  

Laiying Bao attacked by bandits

I felt some sympathy for Laiying Bao when he first feels defeated about not being able to make more of himself, protecting Ruyi and getting her love.  But knowing someone first or being their childhood friend doesn't me they have to love you back if you fall for them.  Plus to me, Ruyi seemed to desire to live with dignity and not just for herself but for her father, her heritage and her family.  Ruyi seemed to want someone like her father.  Because despite his exile he continued to maintain his innocence and lived with dignity.

When we first meet Laiying and Ruyi traveling to the city, Laiying seemed always on his knees begging.  Even when he did not need to, especially in an environment where those with power liked to bully others just because they could.  Ruyi saw Laiying as a brother and not as a man she could admire.   The scene where they are attacked by the bandits, she tells Laiying to stop begging because one, the bandits were enjoying his debasement and would probably kill them anyway.  So, why give up their self respect and dignity aswell. When Laiying joins the marshals he still continues to blame Li Gexiao and starts bullying others like he felt he was.  When Laiying Bao gets the name Ying Wu Qiu, he doesn't really care able real justice but just getting praise, seems to take pleasure in killing and getting back at Gexiao for being responsible for all his misery.

Marshal Ying Wu Qiu

    Although, Sanniang is a pretty cool female character and Lui Shi Shi did a good job at the acting. I really could not get into Sanniang's story or what her back story was suppose to reveal about her character.  We learn  that a young Sanniang and her family were fleeing some disaster but not being a biological child, the father decides to abandon Sanniang for his new born son.  At this point there is already so many interesting stories and lead ways as to why Sanniang would be a mater thief but the story goes on.  We learn that Sanniang is almost deadly afraid of bugs but the only support as to why this is through the back story is that she swallowed a bug when she was alone in the woods. This seemed contrived and weak compared to the possibilities that were available from the situation. We know that people were starving and that's one of the reasons Sanniang's family left their home then her. She could have seen livestock and food devastated by bugs, seen worms turn food everyone needed into poison or a dead body covered in flies and worms. These possibilities would have carried more weight for her fear considering the situation was in.  I am not saying that a seemingly small incident cannot have a bid impact on a fear or phobia.  But in this situation it just seemed like it might  as well been having her seem girly and be afraid of creepy crawls than what was presented.  Or maybe they just didn't want things to get too serious and needed something.

Yan Sanniang 
At this point, we would have a plausible explanation as to why she became a thief. She's a child, alone and starving.  So she started stealing in order to survive, that makes sense. She falls in with a group, where she learns martial arts and has an obsession with pearls because they represent wealth, beauty and security. All the things she desires.  But the story continues and she is saved by the Abbot and taken to the temple.  From that young age to adulthood, Sanniang as other people around her, she has food, shelter, clothing and is taught martial arts and how to be literate.  So, considering where she could have been she had a good life.

Abbot and Sanniang's mother
One thing, I am curious about in Ancient Chinese Series is why matching amulets always seems to mean your family (parent/child) and at times lovers.  The amulets are usually valuable but do people not lose, exchange, have them stolen, pawn or have them copied?

So Sanniang has a matching amulet to that of the Abbot's and we are told that her birthmother left it with her.  Sanniang confronts the Abbot, but the Abbot denies it.  Here, I saw some interesting possibility.  The Abbot in front of the altar and other members swears that she is not her mother.  I really hoped that this was true, because the Abbot was pretty swearing in front of God and others that look up to and respect her that she is not Sannaing's mother.  So unless the Abbot is a really deceitful person, why would she tell such a lie just to distance herself from Sanniang?  I saw two quick possibilities here. One, the Abbot was hurt by a man and the temple's abbot saved and took her in.  They become close but the abbot in getting involved with the (current) Abbot becomes pregnant and dies leaving her amulets for the Abbot and baby Sanniang. Two, the Abbot and Sanniang's mother were sisters (blood or sworn) but she dies leaving the Abbot to take care of her baby.  But because the Abbot blamed Sanniag's father, she gave Sanniang away since the temple could not take care of a baby.  So seeing the amulet with Sanniang brought back a lot of things that the Abbot thought she had resolved and forgotten.  

Sanniang's red outfit (I liked)

Sanniang leaves the temple.  I understand that in Ancient Chinese Series family and knowing your heritage is an important theme but for me that did not really explain why Sanniang left and became a thief. She could have done it because she knew the Abbot hated thieves and it was a way to rebel.  However, that would make sense only if people knew that Sanniang was related to the temple and the Abbot. Not even Li Gexiao who knew of Sanniang's love for pearls and how to catch her was aware that she was from that temple. So what was the point? Also by the time Sanniang left she was already an adult, and knew martial arts.  So there were ways she could take care of herself without having to resort to thievery.  

Sanniang's blue outfit (I liked)
For me, Sanniang's back story arc seemed the weakest and least necessary.  It really did nothing to add or reveal more about the person we meet and the person she becomes.  It just seemed like they wanted to give her a tragic background, which she already had up to the point she meet the Abbott.

Chai Hu
I liked Chai Hu backstory with the lover, because it played a little with some themes in Ancient Chinese Series.  Particularly one I saw in the Fairies of Liaozhai, was this idea which placed importance on male characters who lost a love was that they had to live and move on and have a family again.  It seemed like story after story in the Fairies of Liaozhai was about men who had one or two loves who die.  They are pitied but firmly told that they must love again.  I am not saying if someone loses someone close they shouldn't grieve then try to move on and live again. However in the stories it seems quite one sided. This was only done for the men.

In Chai Hu's story, he leaves his first love to go make money and doesn't come back.  However, for the lover being a woman, she did not have many possibilities at having a good life.  She was lucky to meet a man who loved and married her and her baby was born has his.  The differences that happened and the roles were played around with was that in this case the male lover leaves not gets killed off. All the women in Fairies of Liaozhai were killed off.  Chai Hu's lover doesn't have much backing or support.  The men in Liaozhai had support in one form or another.  When she does manage to move on and tries the best way she thought she could to protect the family she had now. She was portrayed almost like a complete villain.  I am not agreeing with her and her daughter's method at trying to deceive and use people especially Chai Hu but I didn't really see her as a bad person.

Her decision not to tell Chai Hu that she was pregnant seemed to me more of a contemporary notion. Because then women did not have the resources some have now to take care of a child on their own. She did not have a family or many friends. Even though she had a job that resource would have disappeared the moment her stomach started to show.  And once she had the baby things would have been worse.  This does not even involve the harassment she would have had to endure for being a single mother.  Most want to know that their lover stays with them because they want to and not by force. However, that really was not something of top priority in this situation because she and her child absolutely needed the support of another person in order to survive.  

He Xioamei
Xiaomei’s background had interesting potential, especially when the story started playing with the idea of hereditary ailment which tied into Xaiomei being a doctor.  The element of the supernatural was not an overall theme of the show but plays a part in Xiaomei’s story. Thought the show was more grounded in reality, there are things that happen that cannot always be explained or given reason even by someone as smart as Gexiao.  So, I wanted them to address that idea more than they kind of did.
The first issue that I had with Xiaomei’s story was how easily he believed and took off with the woman and old man who claimed to be his family when up to that point he had not really shown any interest about family except for his dead mother.  I am aware that family knowledge is an important priority for orphans especially and in Asian culture.  However, this seemed a bit extreme to me. Also Xiaomei seemed to me to be second in intelligence in the group. But when it came to observing things when he was on his own, he only seemed to come to some understanding only when Gexiao pointed them out to him.  

Xiaomei in Marshal outfit

This was another part of the show that I questioned.  I saw each of the partner’s back story arc as a means not only to show their story but to show their strengths and what they brought and made Yi Zhi Mei great and the other members including Gexiao would be there to aid and support them.
Another issue I had with Xiaomei story was that I wanted them to deal with the issue that Xiaomei might not live a long life because many male members of his family had died at a relatively young age and he also gets poisoned.  To me it seemed like the poison would have lasting effects that would likely kill him instead of being cured as quickly as it was.  There was also the story of the curse.  The explanation that was given just left me with more questions and loose ends.   Why did his father a seemingly good person kill all those people just because his second wife left him and took Xiaomei.  He still had Xiaomei’s older brother and his mother. Even if he loved Xiaomei’s mother more. Not to say that one love can replace another.   However you also had previous ancestors that also went on murderous rampage. 
Sanniang as a stand alone figure without the backstory and some things I found annoying was cool. But I wondered what if Xiaomei had been a woman? And she was the one that Gexiao loved?  It would have been interesting to have a girl Xiaomei be a master of disguise and be an absolute master at Chinese Opera male roles but couldn’t perform the female roles that she loved watching her mother do.  That would deal with the ideas of femininity, roles, perception and how people love.    
Yi Zhi Mei (illustrated shot)
I overall enjoyed the Strange Hero Yi Zhi Mei.  I had some issues that I tried to quickly address but it was a good show.