Friday, December 13, 2013

Hunger Games vs. Battle Royale

Battle Royale

Battle Royale takes place in an alternate time line where Japan is part of a state known as the Republic of Greater East Asia.  Under the guise of a school trip 42 students are taken to an isolated island to take part in the Program. The Program being the BR ACT created to help maintain order.   

I first saw Battle Royale when it was translated and available on DVD.  At the time I had never heard of the Hunger Games.  I don't think it had even been published yet.  I have yet to read the Battle Royale book but having seen the movie, I liked it.  What I liked was not just the content but how it was dealt with and some of the issues it brought up.

 Hunger Games

The Hunger Games movie was better than its book in the aspects that come to play when movies are made.  One being that you are no longer in Katniss's head although the story is still covered and colored by how she saw the world not an impartial narrator. Although a bit more so than in the book.  Second, was having some things be trimmed down, but that also goes to magnify some of vague ideas about how Panem worked. Also having good actors in some roles went in bettering the movie.

Having seen Battle Royale first then reading the Hunger Games, I couldn't help but see a lot of similarities, but this did not cause me to judge one thing to the other because they came from separate worlds.  From what I have heard Suzanne Collins claims that she was inspired by reality T.V and the coverage of war.  However, I have a hard time believing this because there is very little evidence to support this in the actual story itself.  Sure she has the Hunger Games televised and there is the talk of audiences , but they are all vague and never make complete sense.  If it was more of a Survivor type game where you got voted out based on your likebility which Katniss talks a lot about playing to the camera then I could understand and see that the Hunger Games was inspired by most reality T.V. But the Hunger Games children are going to kill each other so what person would bet on someone they like over someone that has more chances of winning? Also she never really deals with the effects of trauma and other issues that invaders and those being invaded might feel if indeed those two very broad ideas inspired these stories. 

I have no problem with someone getting inspiration from another writer.  I mean the very fact that Suzanne Collins and Koushun Takami are from different countries, cultures, upbringing and gender means that even with the same idea they would produce something different. And that would have been fascinating to see.  

What I really liked about Battle Royale over the Hunger Games book and movie among others was the treatment of the characters.  In Hunger Games, Katniss is just so special.  For over 70 years that these games have been taking place no one has ever volunteered.  So none of the kids that have died over the pass 70 years had any family, friends or anyone that cared about them and was willing to take their place even when they were as young as 12 years old.   Also the created star-cross lovers between Katniss and Peeta.  Real or not. For the camera or not. Has none of these children ever clung to each when they got chosen or two people that already cared about each other ever been chosen?  In the book and movie it is as if that has never ever happened.  Also how the other kids  (Careers? why name them that) are made out to be villains and evil when the Capital and all those that watch including the districts and do nothing are responsible.  All the kids during this Hunger Games were forced to enter them, of everyone Katniss chose to be there. I understand that it was to save her sister and that is one of the few things I liked but that was a choice made. She could have done nothing like apparently everyone has been doing for over 70 years. All the kids in the Hunger Games don't want to die, they had friends and family too, not just Katniss, Peeta and Rue.  You also only ever get Katniss's story and her view on things. Plus there is only one reaction that is portrayed and not judged by Katniss in the Hunger Games that is her own.

In Battle Royale they portrayed how this thing was horrible. Not just Hunger Games where it's horrible for Katniss and small little Rue. But it's horrible for everyone, because they are all kids.  Doesn't matter if some were richer or more popular then others.  They are being forced to kill or be killed and that is going to scar and harm everyone. There was no big evil "Careers" tribe or a Cato that had to be allowed to agonize in pain for the whole night being eaten by wolves instead of having Katniss make a hard decision and put him out of his misery.  There were some antagonists which makes sense and works.  In Battle Royale, I also liked the reactions that were shown in the classroom even before we get outside.   People are scared, nervous, in denial, enrage and on.  They go through a range of emotions.  Also unlike the Hunger Games, Battle Royale shows the range of reactions that most people would have.  Some cling tight to each other, others become paranoid, some don't want to believe and try to test the collars, other decide they don't want to kill, other just give up, other kill themselves, others team on, some go on alone and there are more examples.   Not the Katniss and Peeta special love that no one has ever seen in 70 years.  Because whether the event was being televised or not, there would be people who would cling to each other, some would fight, other would cry and some would most certainly try to run. 

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