Saturday, November 23, 2013

Hunger Games Book Review

Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is story told through the eyes of 16 years old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the nation of Panem in Northern America. The Hunger Games are an annual event, where one boy and one girl between the ages of 12-18 are chosen through a lottery system from the 12 districts surrounding the capital compete to the death. The event is televised.   

When I read the Hunger Games I did not like the story or Katniss as much as I thought I would or wanted to based on the praise that many people were giving it.  After reading the story I realized why many would want to see Katniss was such a strong heroine.  Because compared to a lot of the prevail ant YA heroine, Katniss is perceived to actually be taking action and making choices. 

From the beginning there were things that I did not like about the story especially when many seem to praise for having supposed admirable heroine.  The first being the treatment of women.  The way Katniss introduces us to her mother is through her looks and the fact that she is no longer pretty. Also the mother never gets a name throughout the inter story.  Even the other women that ate mentions are shown as being completely useless.  For one Katniss's mother's family owned an apothecary.  Why would she not continue working there? Also why would Katniss's father not work there when it meant making a better living then going to the mines and dying. Even Gale's mother, who seems quite capable  but she had to give me to her son to suddenly be the provider.  While Peeta's mother is shown to be abusive for no reason.  

The world building of Panem is quite shoddy. We don't really know anything really works.  Even with the Hunger Games that play such a big part of the reason the story exists.  One there was apocalyptic event that destroyed things. What was it?  The capital is oppressive.  Why? and How? These were just said and assume never shown or spelled out. Was this destruction only in North America? What about the neighboring places and the rest of the world? The capital does not make a single thing, it gets it all from the district and atop that it demands that each district sentence 2 children each year to the death.  who would accept that? What is stopping them from boycotting? Because if no one or even just part of the miners in district 12 did not go work, the capital will not have the productions they need.  How would the Capital force them to work? They are already starving and dying what else could the Capital threaten them with.  Now if they were living a life of luxury then they would have something to fear.    

This also ties into the attitude towards survival in this book.  Why is there a fence around the district when there is suppose to be no where for people to go? Why make hunting illegal when the animals are not in danger of being hunted out.  According to the book itself, everyone wants meat even the guards. So why are only Gale and Katniss hunting? So for all these years, no one else has every gone into the forest not only to hunt but to forage?  A lot of people are starving in district 12. A child who has grown up starving would ever see game and think can we nurse it health and not I won't starve into. which is the example the book gives us through Primrose.  Also why do they have a cat they need to fed when they can hardly feed themselves.  Katniss seems to be able to survive well in the forest so why is she and her family not living off the woods instead struggling in the town.  Katniss is suppose to be our badass survivalist heroine, she has grown up starving her whole life and most certainly suffered malnutrition but all her actions and way of thinking in this book goes against all of it. Why would she go to the Seam to trade meat that has fat and protein that she needs to survive for something like baked bread that has mostly air in it. Where from there a type of baked good that is made from beans and dried  meat or fruits. it dense and full of protein and nutrients.  But that is not what Katniss buys and we are never told that it is never things else other regular bread.  Why not keep the meat to feed yourself or even dry the meat for a later time. If she was exchanging it for legumes or other rich foods she can't get I can understand but she doesn't.  People who go without something for a tim usually horde it when they get it, but on the train to the Capital Katniss actually throws food out the window. Most people who have starved not even near the amount the Katniss is suppose to have would waste food that way. In the game arena there is a scene where Katniss skins a game throws out the innards and puts it on the fire.  To some people there is nothing wrong with it.  They would even praise Katniss for a badass hunter. No hunter, survivalist, or someone who has experience some hunger would do that.  The innards; liver, heart, brain all contain protein, nutrients and fats that is good for you why would someone who has experienced starvation not have come to know and throw them out.  Also I know based on a lot of images grilling over an open may seem like a great way to cook meat.  But that is an idea prevalent for people afraid of the fat. Grilling is a way to cook but all the fat will just melt and fall into the fire. Katniss doesn't need to worried about getting fat, she absolutely need the fats from the meat. Her lack of know of the many uses of plants, roots and herbs has food and medicine is just unbelievable, Suzanne Collins doesn't seem to have done any research at all. 

I was quite upset at Katniss's reaction when she arrives at the Capital.  Especially, when she was in the room with the game makers.  I was speaking to someone about how if I was Katniss I would have shoot at the people and not just the apple. They asked why not kill them instead of just harming them like I described.  The thing is Katniss the defiant heroine doesn't do any of this.  Even the reason that she get angry upset me.  It's not that the Capital is working them to death for their own gain, or that they are pretty much responsible for the death of many and that they are about to have her killed too.  No, Katniss was angry because they were eating and laughing and not paying attention to her. 

Along those lines was the idea of the book constantly trying to sell the idea of an impartial third party narrator but narration is from Katniss's point. Colored by her experiences, ideas and prejudices.  But the author and story never allow this to be seen they never question Katniss's judgements and conclusions.  Katniss herself never evaluate things that shows that she had given things real thought.  Which leads to the psychotic thoughts of outright murdering others and Peeta that Katniss constantly had and then claimed that others were having them too.  How would she know what they are thinking or feeling? We are in her head and she never inquires after anyone else. Example being the treatment of Effie, since she wears a lot of makeup and smiles she is a bitch but Cinna is such a great guy because he wears less makeup and makes Katniss look pretty.  Though they both seem to be just doing their jobs.  
Because of these issues and many others that I did not really get into the Hunger Games or Katniss as much as some people seemed to have.  Katniss's psychology and action added to the vague world Suzanne Collins created though better than most of the YA out, it just did not work completely for me.  The only thing really setting Katniss apart seems to be the idea that she can shoot a bow and seems to be doing things but the those things are made out to be accidental instead of having Katniss work and struggle through and achieve something.  

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