Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass

Mortal Instruments

I read the Mortal Instruments when the three books: City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass were published and it looked like it would end with the third book.

City of Bones

               Clary is a fifteen year old girl that witness a murder by three teenagers cover in strange tattoos brandishing weapons in New York City.  However, the victim's body vanishing and she seems to be the only one able to see the three teenagers.  This is her first encounter with the Shadow Hunters, within a day Clary is pulled into their world searching for answers and her missing mother.

               When I started with City of Bones I knew nothing about Cassandra Clare.  After I started reading the book and had passed the night club scene, I had to stop and think about whether what I was reading was really what I thought I understood.  I found many thing wrong with the story.  Clary was suppose to be around 15 years old  but yet she and her friend Simon (around the same age) were going to the Pandemonium Club.  The Pandemonium Club was a night club with long lines filled with teenagers and adults that ran outside the side of the building, and had a bouncer.  The bouncer was an adult and inside the club people are drinking, using drugs and having sex. I believe that the book falls under the contemporary genre.  Where things run basically like today's contemporary America and in the case of City of Bones, New York City, until you are shown and told otherwise.    Where in New York City or most places (I assume) is there a legal night club that serves alcohol for 15 year old to go to?  Ms. Clare made a note to bring our attention to the long line outside, so presumably everyone knows about it. Any passerby could see it.  If it was a club created by some wealthy kid in his parents basement or some abandoned place where kids met secretly to throw parties, that I could buy more. However, this was a legitimate club with a bouncer, so their is an owner who owns or rents the space, has an alcohol license that the city has to issue and caters to 15 year old.  It's not like Clary got a fake i.d or tried to sneak in.
          Then Clary and mother, who is an artist are suppose to be poor.  I have never lived in Brooklyn but I know that brownstone walk up or with elevator in New York City, so the five boroughs are not cheap to own or rent.  I would be living in one.  Where in the five boroughs can someone as poor as they are suppose to be afford to live in a brownstone selling pieces of art and jewelry.  Well, unless her mother had 5 karat diamond and gold necklaces she brought from Idris, then yeah.  Also having a tarot card reader as a neighbor doesn't give credit that you are poor.  The neighbor would not be able to afford the place on card reading alone.
        The whole reason that Clary supposedly sets out on this whole journey is to find her mother and maybe get some answers. But I felt that her mother was hardly ever mentioned, Clary hardly thought of her or brought her up and we learn very little about who the mother was or is now.
        Throughout the book Clare tells us that Clary is suppose to be shy but I felt like she was not, especially when she would slap someone she didn't know or for any good reason.  Clary is also said to be clumsy but then she was fighting vampires in a mini, and high boots when she had never really fought before. Even throwing a knife that struck a wolf.  Clary is said to not be beautiful but everyone says she is. And a lot of boys want her except Alec and I think that was just an attempt for useless competition for Jace's affection. Then, suddenly she has this amazing power, wields it better than more trained and experienced people. The worst for me was with the runes, suddenly she can read and write them. It's like  an English person who grew up in Thailand all their lives never knowing that England existed, when they meet someone from England they suddenly can read, write, and speak English not only that they can create new words for the English language.  Clary can do everything that takes Shadow hunters years to accomplish.  Also the way Clary treats people around her. She has no interest in Simon, but gets jealous when  he shows interest in Isabelle.  Isabelle welcomes her, but she dislikes her because she is prettier than her and her comment about there being no ugly vampires. Like only beautiful people could want to live forever or that an ugly person could find no reason to go on.  Clare tries to make Clary down to earth and different but all I got was that Clary was the opposite.  So what if Clary is rich? Being able to relate to someone is not completely dictated by wealth or the monetary kind.
     As for Jace, I did not like him at all.  From the first scene, he murders that boy.  Some will say he was a demon and wanted to kill someone.  However, they did not know that and he didn't hurt anyone. Isabelle lured him to get killed.  We never get a real reason as to why shadow hunters really exist.  Especially when Jace and company were the ones constantly causing trouble for humans, downworlders and shadow hunters.
     Why did Jace go with Valentine? I found nothing Valentine said convincing enough to join him and I disliked him. Then Jace wanted to build a life with Valentine.  Nothing Clary said or did was enough to give up a life he wanted, so I did not believe those scenes.  Clare seemed to bring in too many supernatural creatures that had little to do with the story or served a purpose.  Plus, Clare was always changing the definition of things even when those things were used in the context of the definition we are familiar with.

City of Bones Japanese Cover #1
I like the Japanese covers for City of Bones. I believe the book was separated into two in Japan. The above is the first cover and I think that is Isabelle, Alec and Simon. The outfit is the one that Isabelle wears in the Pandemonium Club and I like it better than the one from the movie trailer image.  I also really like her necklace.
The image below is the cover for the second section and I believe that is Jace and Clary.
City of Bones Japanese Cover #2

City of Ashes

I read City of Ashes and later City of Glass just to see whether the story would get better and how it would end.  

               City of Ashes picks up with Clary's mother being in a coma.  Valentine, who is revealed to to be Clary's father and also Jace's is suspected of murdering Downworld children.  The Shadow Hunters discover that the second of the Mortal Instruments being Soul Sword has been stolen and the Shadow Hunter Inquisitor suspects Jace.  The first of the Mortal Instruments was the Mortal Cup that Clary's mother hide in the City of Bones.

              In city of ashes I did not like the running theme that if anyone argued with a main character they were portrayed as the bad guy. even if they were an adult and had a point.   I did not like Simon becoming a vampire.  It went against his beliefs having the life of a vampire. Clary let him get turned because of her selfish reasons.  Simon pretty much has been banished from the world he liked living in.  And Clary should have been allowed to deal with the consequences of Simon being turned.  Plus Simon woke up a vampire and not really all that upset or anything, I mean now he can't even utter god's name or hold symbols that hold meaning for him. 

           I did not like how, it seemed that Shadow Hunters had disdain for humans even though it's their duty to protect them. They seemed to see humans as low and weak.  They didn't seem to be protecting humans because they saw value in them but because it reinforced their feelings of being superior. They seemed to hold no responsibility to humans, downworlders or other Shadow Hunters.  The clave seemed useless since they couldn't do anything about young Shadow Hunters running amok.  Also these young ones, in particular Jace since people seemed to see him as a great Shadow Hunters was the best they had.

City of Glass

I spoke a little about this, but I did not like Simon on how his beliefs and traditions seemed mean so little to him.  When Clary turns him he just seemed fine even though it meant he would be losing his family and these he held dear would now be out of his reach. 
          Max's death meant little to me even though they made it seem like such as great tragedy. Yes, children dying is never okay, but I knew very little about him.  I knew more about the cat than Max and really served no purpose except maybe to try and show how Valentine was suppose to be such a villain, but I didn't feel it worked.  Question, if Idris had wards to protect it how did Jonathan who has demon blood in him since he was born able to get through?
           Clary had the power through the angel to do almost anything but all she chose was for Jace to be brought back? She could have wished for something in the past to happen, like Valentine actually dying instead of hiding away and she would have helped so many people.  Her brother and Jace would probably been raised in better environments.  Her mother would not have needed to go on the run, whipping her mind and she would have had both her children with her.   Max would not have died as well as many other people. I am sure some fans would like what about Clary and Jace, they would not have meet. But they probably would have since the young kids would most likely be in Idris training or visiting.  She had many choices but she chose something that benefited her just like she did with Simon.

      Having said all that, I found that there were character's I found I would like when you meet for the very first time.  But as I got to know what the author made them into I disliked them.  Most notably Alec and Magnus. I liked the idea of who I thought Alec might be from the first scene we see him in.  His image seemed better looking than Jace and it seemed like he would be a complete jerk.  Alec seemed to be mostly in the background saving and protecting Jace, Isabel and the institute. While Isabel and Jace jumped into danger and then claimed the glory though Alec kept them alive so they could bask in it.  But then Clare showed him to be just as bad as the other characters.   Then there was Magnus, I imagined him as a tall and sexy warlock with wisdom but still found joy and cared for life despite his many decades of life.  I imaged him as someone who loved those he had a stable, nurturing, genuine connection with whether they were man or woman. but I did not get that and I did not liked him having a relationship with Alec.  Magnus despite his real age looks to be in his 30s-40s and Alec was around 16 years old.  So he should not have been in a romantic relationship with a minor. This got worse when I found out he was immortal and had lived at least 80 years. so what could 2 years of waiting have been for Alec to become an adult and more mature?  i know you can't always chose whom you fall in love with or find a connection with but if you are an adult man or woman.  If you love and care for someone and they are a minor then wait for them to become an adult. If you can't wait a few years, that often pas quickly stay away from them. If your feelings are true a few years won't matter that much.  If they are not then you won't have harmed anyone.

City of Glass Japanese Cover #1
The image above looks like Simon and Isabel.  And below is another Clary and Jace cover.


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